Funny With an Ostrich With His Head in the Sand

Why did the emu lose all his friends when he grew a few feet taller?

Because he was ostrich sized.

A man walks out of a bar...

He realizes he must be drunk after having seen an Irishman, Englishman and a Scotsman drinking together, A horse, 2 chemists (one dead), a piano player, a dog, a monkey, an octopus, 007, an ostrich as well as a befuddled bartender tending to countless men walking into the bar...

The world's largest egg is laid by the Ostrich...

And the world's largest woman is laid by your dad.

Ostrich joke, The world's largest egg is laid by the Ostrich...

Did you hear about that large flightless bird that was excluded from societal norms?

Apparently it was ostrich sized.

I put a " No Flyers" sign on my front door

The next day I was sent Two Emus and an Ostrich

A polygamist lion walks into a bar with 3 of his wives: a giraffe, an ostrich and a llama.

He walks up to the bar and asks the rhino bartender to recommend a beer.

Rhino: "Sure, we have lots of great choices on tap."

Lion: "C'mon man... Can't you see I prefer longnecks?"

Why is an ostrich wealthy?

Because if it wasn't it would be an ostpoor.

Ostrich joke, Why is an ostrich wealthy?

When ostriches are in a group it's called a flock.

But if they go at it alone they are ostracized.

What did the French ostrich say after laying a 4lb egg?

Big oeuf

The French chef's apprentice really messed up when he dropped an ostrich egg on the floor.

Big ouef

I decided to keep an ostrich as a pet.

But after a few weeks I felt I was being ostracized and thought it best to give him to another home.

You can explore ostrich avian reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean ostrich affinity dad jokes. There are also ostrich puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

Why couldn't the ostrich fit in with the rest of the chickens?

It was ostrich-cized from the chicken coop.

Your mama is so fat...

When she wants to eat some hot wings an ostrich must die


A friend of mine posted a joke about an ostrich with a broken leg 2 years ago. so many people have reposted it since then that it's still running.

Did you hear about the large bird that tried to join a small bird club?

Unfortunately, he was Ostrich sized :(

So I was going to blame my pet ostrich for a crime i committed

But my lawyer advised that it wouldn't fly in court.

Ostrich joke, So I was going to blame my pet ostrich for a crime i committed

What do you get when a condor, an ostrich, and an eagle walk into a bar?

Three golfers lying about their game

Why were the camels wearing sandals?

To stop themselves sinking into the sand.
Why did the ostrich stick its head in the sand?
To look at the camels who forgot to put their sandals on.

What do you call an ostrich going trough their emo stage?

An emu

A great big bird with a long neck strapped me into a chair and put a gun to my head.

I guess you could say I was held ostrich.

What do you call an ostrich that practices magic?

An ostwitch

What do you get when you cross an ostrich with a female dog

An osbitch

Did you hear about the Giraffe and Ostrich race?

It was neck and neck.

An ostrich commits grand heresy against the empire.

He is promptly ostrichized.



Giant bird goes to a psychiatrist..

''I feel like I'm ignored all the time.''

''Maybe it's because you're ostrich sized''

I got head in the sand.

Im an embarrassed ostrich.

Two eggs locked in a washing machine, they were ostrich sized.

Where do Ostriches come from?


Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the ostrich reptile jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.

We suggest to use only working ostrich cat and ostrich piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.


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